For a start, I love my handbag! I saw it last year and visited it many times, sneaking a look at the price tag and wishing for it to come down in price. Finally this year it was reduced - and now it's mine! I swear I could fit a small child in there, but hey, it fits everything I need with room to fit a cardy or scarf if needed and my lunch box. Better than my old handbag!
I live in a climate that is quite unpredicable and I hate being unprepared! I'm the person who when a friend needs a hair tie, bobby pin, panadol, bandaid..I've always got one. Here is a list of my handbag essentials.
1. Socks. Weird? Yes. Handy? Yes! I always get cold feet in cars, buses, planes, at work...there's always an occasion for socks.
2. Umbrella. I quite often forget a jacket!
3. Plain lip balm. SPF is good - handy for dry lips, skin, etc. This vasaline one is awesome!
4. Fold-up flats. These are great - i can wear uncomfortable shoes and get some relief later on.
5. Herbal tea bags. I always have a few spare in my bag, I can't drink coffee and it's always a bit akward when I visit a friend and they only have normal tea or I pull out my little tea bag and I can still have a hot drink!
6. Sunglasses. Prepared for all weather!
7. Panadol, Bandaids, Rescue Remedy, Anti-Histimens. I grouped these together - basic medical things. Rescue remedy is amazing - a few drops on the tongue and it'll calm you down when you are wound up and anxious!
8. Hair tie, bobby pins, small brush. Great for touch ups or bad-hair-days.
9. Hand Cream. Again, i use a Vasaline one. dry hands aren't fun!
10. Diary and pen. To keep records of appointments, bills, birthdays, etc. I love this cute one - there is a whole series of these with a NZ theme - jandals, pohutakawa, ferns, etc.
11. Solar-powered torch. Sooo handy when you forgot to turn the outside light on and you can't see the key hole, or like me you live in a mini forest with a tiny path to navigate!
12. Business Cards. You never know when an opportunity to get your name out there will pop up - plan ahead!
So thats my bag. Hope it gave you some tips on handy things for your bag!! Do you have any recommendations??
I live in a climate that is quite unpredicable and I hate being unprepared! I'm the person who when a friend needs a hair tie, bobby pin, panadol, bandaid..I've always got one. Here is a list of my handbag essentials.
1. Socks. Weird? Yes. Handy? Yes! I always get cold feet in cars, buses, planes, at work...there's always an occasion for socks.
2. Umbrella. I quite often forget a jacket!
3. Plain lip balm. SPF is good - handy for dry lips, skin, etc. This vasaline one is awesome!
4. Fold-up flats. These are great - i can wear uncomfortable shoes and get some relief later on.
5. Herbal tea bags. I always have a few spare in my bag, I can't drink coffee and it's always a bit akward when I visit a friend and they only have normal tea or I pull out my little tea bag and I can still have a hot drink!
6. Sunglasses. Prepared for all weather!
7. Panadol, Bandaids, Rescue Remedy, Anti-Histimens. I grouped these together - basic medical things. Rescue remedy is amazing - a few drops on the tongue and it'll calm you down when you are wound up and anxious!
8. Hair tie, bobby pins, small brush. Great for touch ups or bad-hair-days.
9. Hand Cream. Again, i use a Vasaline one. dry hands aren't fun!
10. Diary and pen. To keep records of appointments, bills, birthdays, etc. I love this cute one - there is a whole series of these with a NZ theme - jandals, pohutakawa, ferns, etc.
11. Solar-powered torch. Sooo handy when you forgot to turn the outside light on and you can't see the key hole, or like me you live in a mini forest with a tiny path to navigate!
12. Business Cards. You never know when an opportunity to get your name out there will pop up - plan ahead!
So thats my bag. Hope it gave you some tips on handy things for your bag!! Do you have any recommendations??

nice bag !
ReplyDelete*_*, je suis surpris par le nombre de choses que peut contenir ton sac ;)
So much stuff were in this bag???O_O
ReplyDeleteit looks smoller than this!
nice post!
Thanks! It's quite big, my handbags seem to be getting larger every year....
Your bag is roomier than it looks! Everything you have it in it seems practical though. I like to carry sanitizer in my purse too. :o)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the blog comment, be sure to enter my giveaway if you haven't already! :o)
Your blog is really great! Nice post about 'what's in your handbog' I'll follow you back with pleasure:)
I love love love your bag! I have been wanting a fringe bag for so long. Keeping band aids is so smart and biz cards at all time too! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks I love my bag too! ;) I took a photo of it today so will post it later on :) I had been eyeing this one for ages!!