Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Life as I Know it // Working From Home

I talked to my boss the other week and luckily I'm going to be able to continue working for the same company but from home in Invercargill. But I need some advice from my friends!

I'll have to set up a little home office. For a start I will be staying with the bf's parents while we look for a house, so my first home office will be temporary. I need some advice from all of you!

I'm a little worried I'll get out of bed, put on my dressing gown and start working. I'm not sure that's the best idea motivation-wise! Plus if I wanted to go anywhere at lunch time I would spend half my lunch hour geting ready to leave the house. I will still be working standard 9-5pm hours as I need to keep in contact with my boss during the day when I'm working on projects.

One thing I am looking forward to is being able to spend a bit more time on my blog and baking and cooking at home. With the complete cut down in travel time to work and being able to switch from my work computer to my personal computer in a couple of minutes hopefully I'll get some more exciting blog posts done!

Do you work from home or know someone who does? What tips do you have to stay motivated/keep on top of work? Have you seen/written any blog posts that will help me? What sort of things should I have in my home office? (apart from a computer, etc which will be provided) Help!!


  1. Hey chicky, man such a small world Im from invers originally hehe. As for the pics, its tripping me out I really cant understand why they arent showing :( I dont know anyone who works from home, the only thing I can think of is to have a dedicated office space for your work and get up like you would a normal work day i.e. get into work clothes etc - might make you feel a bit more motivated! xx

  2. I think I'd find working from home really hard - but I'd agree that you need a dedicated work space and still treat work like work namely, get up at a set time, wear work clothes and stick to a routine. Let us know how it goes^^

  3. such a pretty pic, i am home schooled, have been in kinda such situation, motivation wise, well set something good to do, after every hour of your work or so, hope it helps


  4. I would love to start working from home- my commute is 1.5 to 2 hours each way! Ugh, so annoying. So I definitely think you made the right decision because you will save so much time by not commuting! My only tip would be to wake up and get ready for the day at the same time as you would if you were going into the office, so then you don't have to take time out of your work schedule to get ready!

    It's going to be great!

  5. oh how i would love to work from home, i'm very envious!

  6. Thanks guys!! Awesome tips. I think I will just have to make sure I get up as usual, get dressed and take my breaks when I normally do. Haha all I really wanna buy right now is an awesome "office" coffee mug...


  7. I would love to work from home, I look forward to seeing what you do with your office space! Sally x

  8. I worked from home for a couple of years and found that I didn't need motivation to work, but I had to find ways to stop working. After all, you are always at work from first things in the morning until after bed time. I would literally be working from the moment I got up (still in my jamies), have a shower aruond 10 am, realise I was hungry around 1 pm and grab a ten minute break, then be back into it until my partner arrived home after 5.30 pm - and I realised that I hadn't stopped working on been further than the clothes line or mail box all day. And then you're also at work at night as long as your laptop and mobile phone is around ... so what I'm saying is that you might be surprised about what kind of discipline you actually need. All the best!

  9. ahh lucky! although i'd be worried i'd just want to work IN bed lol.

